Saturday Afternoon: Romance with Clare Harvey…

On Saturday 17th February join us for an afternoon of romance with our guest, local author Clare Harvey.

Clare Harvey
     ©Simon Buck

Clare is a former winner of the Romantic Novelists Association’s Joan Hessayon Award for New Writers.

We’re delighted to preview the format for our Saturday afternoon session.


Brief introduction from Clare, about herself and her books, and the aims of the afternoon. Followed by a short time for you to get to know the writers sharing your table.

Topics for the afternoon:

  • First scene; how to get your main characters together; and sex scenes. Each of these will include writing prompts as well as discussion.
  • Plot and Structure discussions that feedback to all attendees; moving on to editing and the publication process.

No one will have to read their work out, but discussion will be encouraged.

By the end of the afternoon you will have three pieces of writing that you can take home and continue to develop.

The final half hour is a Q&A, followed by the opportunity for you to purchase Clare’s books and get them personally signed.

Sorry, advanced booking is now closed.
But you can still pay on the day (until all places are filled).

Competitions: Do’s and Don’ts

Our February speaker meeting is Competitions: Do’s and Don’ts.

There are numerous writing competitions running every year, so how do you avoid scuppering your chance of being in contention when you do enter?

NWC Scribe editor Jill Walmsley, and Prose Secretary Carol Bevitt will be giving you a helping hand to get the most out of entering writing competitions; covering various topics including, rules, fees vs free, editing for maximum word counts, where to find competitions, and much more. There will be hand-outs to take away and a Q&A.

If you leave inspired then there’s still time to enter this year’s NWC National Short Story Competition. Download details from here.



Romance on a Saturday Afternoon with Clare Harvey…

On Saturday 17th February join us for an afternoon of romance with local author Clare Harvey.

Clare is a former winner of the Romantic Novelists Society’s Joan Hessayon Award for New Writers.

It’s not a workshop, but it is an opportunity for writers to have an informal chat, and get advice on their romance writing issues.

There will also be a Q&A session, plus an opportunity to buy Clare’s books and get them signed.


Writing for Writers – Saturday Afternoon…

Writers Tell Lies – so how do you convince your reader?

Writing on a Saturday afternoon without distractions; what could be better? So come along to our city centre venue for up to four hours for our writing session, with practical exercises, the opportunity to share insights and gain advice.

Our session will suit writers of all abilities, and you don’t have to be an NWC member to take part- we welcome visitors to our Saturday afternoon events, as we do to our regular meetings.