Read and Write Night…

Join us for our last Read and Write Night of this year’s programme.

There’s the opportunity for: manuscript reading with constructive feedback, a writing exercise with a yuletide theme, and you can share your current writing issues for helpful suggestions.

Our in-depth group (for full members only) will also meet.

You’re welcome to come along as a visitor to any meeting for a small fee…

Questions? Please use our Contact Us form.

Join Us For A Writers’ Meet-Up..

Join us for a regular meet-up of writers in the coffee shop on the third floor of Waterstones bookshop in Nottingham city centre. We meet on the fourth Friday of each month- even if it’s a five-week month.

Come along for a chat, ask for thoughts on a writing problem or do what writers like doing when they get together, drink tea/coffee or whatever you prefer while you talk writing, books you’ve read or other related topics.

Arrive and leave at your own schedule, even if you only have an hour. You don’t even have to be an NWC member to join in.

Please buy a drink and/or food while you’re using the coffee shop, as it is a business for paying customers…

Guest Speaker- Graham Wright

We’re welcoming our guest speaker, Graham Wright to our October meeting.

Graham Wright is best known as a radio presenter, having worked at various stations across the East Midlands for thirty years,  and where much of his radio work has involved writing scripts for broadcast.

‘From Radio to – Life as a Community Journalist’ will be a potted history of Graham’s writing and broadcasting career from his student days in Nottingham through to when scripting for local and regional radio became part of his job.
Graham will discuss how the way we receive our daily news has changed so dramatically both for a journalist finding stories and getting them out to the public.
He now covers the news output regularly for HFM Radio in Market Harborough and presents a weekly internet radio show.
Graham Wright at work
Along with his media company, North Point Productions, he provides voiceovers and audio/visual production.
We hope to see you at our regular venue, The Nottingham Mechanics

September: Read & Write Night…

We’re back from our summer break with our new style Read & Write Night which will remain a regular part of our programme alongside: workshops, speakers, annual competitions and Christmas social events.

This month there will be discussion, manuscript reading with constructive comments, as well as a writing exercise for those who want to concentrate on developing their writing skills.

Our aim is to keep the format  of the evening flexible so you get the most out of the meetings. This will also give you the opportunity to experience the different elements we offer.

Visitors are welcome, but we hope you’ll like what we offer and take up membership…


Saturday Afternoon: Patsy Collins; the Travelling Writer…

Saturday 7th September 1:00 – 5:00 pm Effective Characterisation and Dialogue with Patsy Collins.

During the afternoon you’ll create characters and bring them to life through dialogue. There will be writing exercises, tips, encouragement and advice, plus the chance for feedback on words written on the day.

Booked in advance: NWC Members (Full) £5
Visitors & NWC Associate Members £10

On the day: NWC Members (Full) £10
Visitors & NWC Associate Members £20

You can book online now.

Please book in advance as we cannot guarantee places to be available on the day owing to room capacity.

Further details on public transport routes to the venue will be emailed to attendees nearer the date.

Any queries please contact us.

Author bio

Patsy Collins spends her time making things up and writing them down from her home in Lee-on-the-Solent or whilst travelling in a campervan. She is the author of five novels, sixteen themed collections of short stories, and half of From Story Idea to Reader – an accessible guide to writing fiction. Hundreds of her short stories have been published in women’s magazines such as My Weekly, The People’s Friend, Fiction Feast, Woman’s Weekly and The Weekly News in the UK as well as magazines in Ireland, Sweden, South Africa and Australia.

As well as presenting writing workshops and giving talks, Patsy runs two blogs for writers. regularly features free to enter writing competitions, and contains all the guidelines and information needed to submit fiction to woman’s magazines in the UK and abroad.

For more information about Patsy, visit

Manuscript & Verse of the Year Competitions…

New for 2019 we’re combining our annual Verse of the Year and Manuscript of the Year Competitions into one evening.

Whether its poetry or prose (or both) our members have the opportunity to compete for the individual trophies for either or both of these competitions.

Only full members can enter, but anyone attending the meeting may vote for the winning poem and  prose.

In both categories members will be given a theme prior to the competition night. Entrants have up to 250 words for the prose and a maximum of  16 lines (in any form) for the poetry.

All entries are submitted under a pseudonym and the audience only discover the winner and runners-up after the votes are counted and the winning titles announced.

Always an enjoyable evening…

Manuscript Evening…

Join us for the NWC Manuscript Evening this June’s meeting; this is a mixed evening for both members and visitors.

We have a short writing session as well as manuscript reading with constructive feedback, as well as discussion on writing related topics, flexible for  the members and visitors.

The in-depth  group (paid full NWC members)  takes place at the meeting separate from the main NWC meeting taking place.

If you have NWC paid membership and are interested in the in-depth group please contact us either at meetings or online via our contact form.

For anyone attending the meeting planning to use a laptop/ netbook to write PLEASE ensure you have adequate battery power available. Paper is available.



February: What’s Your Writing Problem?

Join us for our February meeting where it’s all about what’s your writing problem?

Whatever your writing issue the aim is to help you find a solution or a methods to assist, using the combined knowledge and experience of the writers attending.

We’re keeping the format of the session flexible so we can work with the topics raised in the time available; this may range from small discussion groups to feedback to the whole room.

We know that you may have more than one writing issue, but please choose one that is the most important to you. Sometimes solving one issue unlocks others…




Workshop: Basic Editing…

To get everyone back into writing mode for the coming year, we’re doing a basic editing mini-workshop.

Editing is a big topic and as we only have a set amount of time we’re going to focus on raising your awareness, a few common errors and then a practical session.

Whether you enter competitions or send your work out to magazines you need to improve your manuscripts by editing.  Your first draft is the foundation and you can build upon that by improving your editing skills.

In part one of the evening we’ll be looking at book excepts before moving on to the more common issues. While in part two attendees can spend some time editing their own work to see if they can improve their text and make it stronger.

Please bring some of your own writing along with you for part two of the evening.